-1 برای بیشتر خانوم ها مهم ترین مسئله ،امنیت مالی است.
-2 با این که امنیت مالی برایشان بسیار مهم است،ولی باز هم بیرون می رن و لباس های گرون قیمت می خرن.
-3 با این که همیشه لباس های گرون قیمت می خرن،ولی مدام میگن که چیزی ندارن بپوشن.
4 -با این که می گن چیزی ندارن بپوشن، ولی همیشه هم قشنگ و شیک لباس می پوشن.
-5 با این که همیشه قشنگ و شیک لباس می پوشن،ولی می گن لباس هام دیگه کهنه و درب و داغونه.
-6 با این که میگن که لباس هاشون کهنه و درب و داغونه،ولی انتظار دارن که شما همیشه از تیپ شون تعریف کنید.
-7 با این که همیشه انتظار دارن ازتیپ شون تعریف کنید،ولی وقتی هم شما این کار رو می کنین ...حرف هاتونو باور نمی کنن.(می فهمن که داری مخ شونو می زنی)
1. the most important thing for a woman is financial security.
2. Although this is so important, they still go out and buy expensive Clothes.
3. Although they always buy expensive clothes, they never have something To wear.
4. Although they never have something to wear, they always dress Beautifully.
5. Although they always dress beautifully, their clothes are always just "An old rag".
6. Although their clothes are always "just an old rag", they still Expect you to compliment them.
7. Although they expect you to compliment them, when you do, they don't Believe you
2. Although this is so important, they still go out and buy expensive Clothes.
3. Although they always buy expensive clothes, they never have something To wear.
4. Although they never have something to wear, they always dress Beautifully.
5. Although they always dress beautifully, their clothes are always just "An old rag".
6. Although their clothes are always "just an old rag", they still Expect you to compliment them.
7. Although they expect you to compliment them, when you do, they don't Believe you
-1 تمامی آقایون شدیداً گرفتار کار و بیزنس خودشون هستند
-2 در حالـی که شدیداً گرفتار کار و بیزنس خودشون هستند،ولی در هرصورت وقت واسه خانوم ها دارند.
-3 در حالـی که در هر صورت وقت واسه خانوم ها دارند، ولی اون ها رو به حساب نمی آرن.
-4 در حالی که اون هارو به حساب نمی آرن، ولی همیشه یکی تو دست و بالشون هست.
-5 در حالی که همیشه یکی تو دست و با لشون هست،ولی بازم شانسشون رو روی تور کردن بقیه خانوم ها امتحان می کنن.
6- در حالی که شانس شونو روی بقیه خانوم ها امتحان می کنن،ولی دستپاچه می شن وقتی زنی ترکشون می کنه.
-7 در حالی که دستپاچه می شن وقتی زنی ترکشون می کنه، ولی بازم درس عبرت نمی گیرن وهنوز هم می خوان شانس شون رو روی بقیه خانوم ها امتحان کنند.
1. All men are extremely busy.
2. Although they are so busy, they still have time for women.
3. Although they have time for women, they don't really care for them.
4. Although they don't really care for them, they always have one Around.
5. Although they always have one around them, they always try their Luck with others.
6. Although they try their luck with others, they get really pissed off If the women leaves them.
7. Although the women leaves them they still don't learn from their Mistakes and still try their luck with others
2. Although they are so busy, they still have time for women.
3. Although they have time for women, they don't really care for them.
4. Although they don't really care for them, they always have one Around.
5. Although they always have one around them, they always try their Luck with others.
6. Although they try their luck with others, they get really pissed off If the women leaves them.
7. Although the women leaves them they still don't learn from their Mistakes and still try their luck with others
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